Post Request

Ask Others for Realtors

What is

Ask Others is an online platform that is designed to enhance communication between people with a need and those who can help meet it. The community is made up of Consumers and Providers. A person takes the role of the Consumer when he or she needs something and the role of the Provider when he or she can provide something.

The process starts with the Consumer who posts a “Request.” A Request can be a need for things to either borrow or buy. It can also be a need for an onsite quote or a task to be completed. The Consumer provides a description of what’s needed using words, text, and video then attaches a budget and deadline.

After the Request has been posted, people are free ask questions and eventually make offers to meet the need. After reaching an agreement,the Consumer makes payment upfront but held until the Request has been successfully completed.

Sometimes people’s interactions are misunderstood. In order to provide the best tools for communication, Ask Others produces a record of activity that shows what time both parties met, a time log, before and after pictures, approvals for budget changes, and a chat history. This record helps provide a more objective means of rating the other user and providing accurate comments for the benefit of all users in the Ask Others community.

Why a private group on Ask Others is good for Realtors?

Realtors are often asked for referrals for trusted contractors for house-related issues, both during the listing/buying period and afterwards. Especially for people who are moving into a new community they will have a need for referrals that extend beyond that of a new house. Realtors can use the private group feature on Ask Others to build a trusted group of people who can help each other.

As the group administrator, you act as the hub for the group. Any time someone logs into your group they will see your picture, name, and contact information. It’s impossible to predict the moment people start considering a move. You mustimmediately come to mind when people in your “centers of influence” experience the trigger that causes them to want to move.By having a group that is providing a value to its members, you are understood as the one who brought them that value and in turn, they will repay you with their business.


How much does it cost?

It doesn't cost the Realtor anything to have a private group on Ask Others. If you want to use Ask Others to build a valuable, trusted community it will require that you invite people and encourage them to post their needs and respond to others who have needs. Like anything you will receive benefit equal to the time and effort that you invest.

It's our responsibility to provide and maintain an online platform that is secure and reliable and to fund that effort we charge a platform user fee of 20%, not to exceed $9.95, to the Provider anytime that person gets paid.


I want to build a private group on Ask Others. What should I do next?

  • Create an account on Ask Others.
  • Fully complete your profile.
  • At the top of the screen,click on the word “Groups.”
  • This will show all your private groups.
  • Click on the orange “Create Group” button.
  • The next step is to name your group. You may want to use a name like “Mike White’s group of trusted professionals”
  • Next is the location of your group. You may want to use your office’s address, but you could also use a more general location like, South Tulsa.
  • The last thing in this box asks for the description of your group. For the description, you may want to communicate why you’re starting this group, what you hope to accomplish, or anything else that will make others want to join the group.
  • Click the blue “create group” button.
  • The next screen you see will show two images that you need to create and upload. First, upload a profile picture of yourself by clicking on the camera icon. After you see the image, click on the “up arrow” so that it will save to your group.
  • Second, you can create and upload a cover image. You may want to use an image that’s like your Facebook cover, but the main desire for this image is that you display your contact information, company, and logo. They need to be reminded who you are and what you do. Again, click on the camera icon and choose the image that you want to use. After you see it on the screen, make sure that you click the “up arrow” so that it will save to your group.
  • Once you have your images saved you are ready to start inviting people to join by entering their email addresses. As the administrator, only you can invite people to join unless you appoint other members as “sponsoring members.” As a sponsoring member, they also can invite others to join your group.
  • As people join your group, you will see their profile image, first name and last initial, and city, state and zip.
  • Anytime someone posts a Request they will be asked if they want to post it to the general public list and/or just your group. If they choose your group, then only people in your group will see their request.

Ideas to promote your group

  • Do you regularly refer your COI to contractors or other trusted professionals? It’s a good idea to ask them tojoin your group first. Your group will generate more momentum with a larger group of contractors, so find good people wherever you can.
  • A system isn’t effective if no one is in the habit of using it. Help your group members develop a habit of posting their needs, by giving them something that will daily remind them of your group. For instance, give them a magnetic memo board designed with a “things to do” list for their refrigerator. At the bottom, have an image or yourself, logo, contact information, and a message that you want them to see daily. You can order magnetic memo boards here.
  • Text or call before you send an email invitation to your COI so they can be anticipating it.